Ningbo New Kanzo Electrical Co., Ltd

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Products > Cutter Tool Saw Blades > Circular saw blade > Solid TCT Circular Saw Blades
Product name : Solid TCT Circular Saw Blades
Product No. : 201752410265
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Saw blade including  metal hot-cutting circular hss circular saw blade, metal cold-cutting circular hss circular saw blade , TCT circular hss circular saw blade , HSS segmental circular hss circular saw blade , and diamond circular saw blank .
Products Details:

Different Size and diameter TCT saw blade is available .


Diameter Teeth thickness Thickness Bore Teetn no cutting Angel T-type Positioning hole
D(mm) B(mm) b(mm) d(mm) Z α T-type Positioning hole
160 1.8 1.5 32 48 5 S 2/9/50
250 2 1.75 32 72 0 S 2/11/63
280 2 1.75 32 72 0 S 2/11/63
285 2 1.75 32 60 0 S 2/11/63
285 2 1.7 32 80 0 S 2/11/63
360 2.6 2.25 40 60 0 S 2/11/90
360 2.6 2.25 40 80 0 S 2/11/90
460 2.7 2.25 50 60 0 S 2/11/90
460 2.7 2.25 50 80 0 S 2//11/90


if you are interested ,please send me email .

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Skype: grandasales 1351376193
